Investment Advisory Services
AWTIL is licensed to provide separately managed accounts (SMA) to institutional and high net worth clients. These are personalized investment portfolios keeping in view Client’s specific return objective and their investment risk appetite. We have a dedicated team of professionals for IAS who provide these portfolio management services with tailor made portfolios in equity market, fixed income securities, or placements with financial institutions.
The Investment Advisory Process
Step 1: The AWTIL Investment Committee will conduct a thorough capital market and economic review on a monthly basis. This will be followed by an in-depth examination of the portfolio under consideration.
Step 2: AWTIL IC in collaboration with the Client will determine the direction of portfolio strategy.
Step 3: AWTIL IC to prepare a formal proposal and present recommendations on optimum portfolio allocation based on top investment ideas to client.
Step 4: The mutually finalized portfolio allocation decisions are executed.
Step 5: Following Agreements are signed between the Investment Advisor & Client:
- Investment advisory agreement is signed between AWTIL which includes Investment policy statement (IPS) is keeping in view clients’ preferences, risk tolerance and return objective.
- Custodian Agreement is signed between the client and the Custodian
- Separate bank account of client is opened
Step 6: AWTIL IC monitors continuous performance of the client’s portfolio. On monthly basis, the investment advisor will submit a report to the client encapsulating their return, monthly profit if any, synopsis of prevailing economic conditions and investment market developments.